Animal Agents

Monday, 17 July 2017

As the school year comes to an end please bear in mind that children can take part in the summer reading challenge which is being held in all libraries across the borough. This year's theme is 'whodunnit'. A crime has been committed in the library, there are various suspects and the animal detectives have been called to solve it. As children read six books, of their choice, and collect stickers the culprit will become clear to them. Each child that completes the challenge will receive a gold medal and a certificate in the autumn term.
Havering had the highest completion rate of all london boroughs in 2016 at a very impressive 79%. Hopefully we will be able to continue this success and committment to reading.
This is a fun, free activity for children to take part in during the school holiday and also helps to keep up their reading ready for their return in September.
For more information use the internet and type in the search bar

Mrs Martin

Library Books

Friday, 14 July 2017

Just a reminder that if you still have not returned you library books you need to do this on Monday please. Thank you for your cooperation.

Mrs Martin


I am pleased to annouce that the winner of the letter writing competition is Molly Joyce. She imagined that she was an evacuee called Hannah and wrote a letter home to her Mum. She has won a copy of JacquelienWilson's new book 'Wave Me Goodbye' and her entry will be sent forward to the national competition. Good luck Molly.
Thank you to all of the children who entered.

Mrs Martin

Library Books

Friday, 7 July 2017

The end of the school year is rapidly approaching, all library books need to be returned next week. A list has been given to each class teacher if you are unsure what book you have or alternatively come into the library to see me. Unfortunately if a book has been lost a contribution of £2.50 will need to be paid into your Squid account help meet the cost of a replacement. No further books will be loaned before the end of term.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs Martin